Review void bastards
Review void bastards

review void bastards

It’s important to find out where the oxygen supply is, too, since you’ve got a limited amount in your suit. The first thing you’ll probably do when boarding a new ship is quickly check out the map to get the lay of the land. The helm, for example, will let populate your map with all the loot locations, while visiting the security room can let you briefly switch off cameras and such. The actual layout of each vessel is pieced together randomly using different modules. Other than that, it’s up to you whether to board them or not. Ships will provide a brief idea of what they have onboard, as well as the enemies you might run across. Each move you make costs fuel and food, so inevitably you’ll need to dock at one of the dozens and dozens of ships that litter space. On the map of the Nebula you get to choose where to head next, always moving from left to right and never going back. Ambling around the corridor it’s perfectly normal to hear one of the Juve’s calling you a butt face, or for a Scribe to panic and run away. Weirder still, these odd citizens appear to be very, very British. Now, strange portals spit these beings out. For example, all the ships floating out in the void have been overtaken by mutated “citizens” who appear to have been former crew, tourists and passengers. Which isn’t to say that there aren’t a few fun pieces of world-building going on. You just shoot stuff, grab loot and head toward the parts you need. There’s no overarching narrative to think about or twists or turns which will shock you to the core. In other words, this is not a story-driven game. Void Bastards is essentially one long hunt for parts. chucks you out the airlock to go find more.

review void bastards

As soon as you retrieve the first batch of the parts the A.I. This is the narrative height Void Bastards is capable of reaching. who rehydrated you (he was also the narrator in The Stanley Parable) politely gives you an objective: fly out into the void and collect parts to fix the ship. Rather than lose everything you get to keep all the items you’ve crafted and instead only lose your Merits (cash) and current supplies of food, fuel and ammo. Unlike most rogue-likes, though, death really doesn’t hit you hard in Void Bastards. There’s even special ships that let you add or remove traits, like letting you detect nearby enemies or everything turning black and white. Hey Phil, sorry about having to shoot you in the face. My personal favourite was a trait which let you know the first name of every robot, enemy and camera. More importantly, each prisoner comes with specific traits, some of which are practical and others that are…not so much. Get killed and you’ll simply step into the shoes of another rehydrated prisoner with their own name and a very short description of their crime. Don’t get too attached, though your prisoner is entirely disposable.

review void bastards

has decided to rehydrate you in order to fix the ship. But with the ship now stranded the friendly British A.I. The prisoners on this ship have all been turned into a powder via a special dehydration technology. It feels unique to Void Bastards.Īs it turns out you’re actually a prisoner on-board an automated starship. I’ve seen other reviews compare Void Bastard to a comic, but as an avid comic reader I don’t see it. The magenta of the luxury cruise ships, the blue glow given off by an enemy as it gets ready to attack, it all looks amazing. For the first while each new ship you board is a chance to soak up the graphics. Splashes of rich color, loads of neon, lots of contrast and strong lines all combine to create something unique. Without a shadow of a doubt Void Bastards is one of the best looking games of recent years. Once you’ve been successfully reeled in by the cool name and pretty pictures, though, what exactly does Void Bastards offer up? British accents, spaceships, tourists and lots of stuff to craft.

review void bastards

It captures your attention, just like the striking graphical style does. You have to admit that as names go Void Bastards is a pretty good one.

Review void bastards